Friday, May 2, 2014

Final Project Images

It wouldn't let me upload my two collages and two of my portraits because they were too big, and I'm not sure how to fix that..

Friday, April 11, 2014

Last Chance

Artists Anonymous by Susan Scafati Shahan

4-part Corpse drawing; Man Ray, Yves Tanguy, Joan Miro, Max Morise.
4-part Corpse drawing; Man Ray, Yves Tanguy, Joan Miro, Max Morise.

I chose this article simply because of the title. I thought that something with the title of "Artists Anonymous" would be interesting and something similar to graffiti or something along those lines. Although I was wrong, I was not disappointed. 
The layout of the article was very simple and easy to follow. It is a simple white background with black lettering and photos throughout the text.
This article was about a group of "shrinky-dinks" that get together to experience art in a different way. It is open to the community. Artists Anonymous has met four times since kicking off last fall. In these meetings, they play a game called Exquisite Corpse. Exquisite Corpse is a game dating back to the early 1900's. In this game," One by one we marked up our respective folded sections, as the sounds of sketching, chatting, and laughter grew. When all sections were complete, the paper was unfolded to reveal a unified assemblage of images. Seeing the images in their entirety revealed the game’s essential charm: technique need not be as winning as wit, boldness, diversity and originality. The sheer mash up of levels, styles and personalities is what makes the game entertaining and fun." It allows them to discover and explore new and different varieties of art. 
This article is very interesting to me. I feel I would actually participate in an event such as this. I think it is very creative and thought provoking. And I would learn more about art. 

Jamie Diamond:Constructed Family Portraits by Aline Smithson
Jamie Diamond

The layout of this article is very straightforward and simple. It has a white background with black lettering. It doesn't have a lot of text, but it has about 8 family portrait photos. 
I chose this article because I enjoy looking at family portraits because everyone always looks happy. 
This article focuses on family portraits, such as the ones you take on the holidays or special occasions. Smithson states in her article that photographer Jamie Diamond has a different and unique perspective of family portraits. She basically says that they are faked and posed, that the smiles and happy times are all an illusion to have a good outcome for the photo. Jamie Diamond says that photography can trick us and question the "notions of identity, intimacy, and reality and engaging the dialogue surrounding representation and photography's relationship to truth."
Diamond's perspective of family portraits was interesting. Although I feel there is some truth to what she said, I feel it isn't always true. Yes, we may be having a bad day and just smile for the camera, but sometimes, we actually are happy, and the smiles are genuine. 

The History's Shadow by David Maisel by Yancey Richardson


David Maisel

I chose this article because the X-rays are really cool and intriguing.
The layout of this article had an over abundance of gray. It had a light gray background, dark gray heading, and gray columns on the side with black text. Nonetheless, it was still simply and easy to follow and read.
David Maisel uses X-rays to capture a whole new essence of art and photography. Richardson states in the article, "The ghostly images of these x-rays seemed to surpass the potency of the original objects of art. These spectral renderings were like transmissions from the distant past, conveying messages across time, and connecting the contemporary viewer to the art impulse at the core of these ancient works. Through the x-ray process, the artworks of origin become de-familiarized and de-contextualized, yet acutely alive and renewed, revived. The shadow-worlds they occupy are informed by the black space surrounding the images, which in some instances becomes a vast nether world, and in others becomes the velvety ground of some kind of brain scan/portrait."

Friday, February 28, 2014

Blog Review (2/28/2014)

Rice University to Demolish Former Museum Building by Robin Pogrebin

Anderson-Clarke Center
by  in Anderson-Clarke Center

Design & Layout: As far as the design and layout goes, it was actually pretty boring. Nothing exciting going on, no colors, just a plain, short block of text. I had to go to one of the links in the story to even get a picture. There were also a lot of ads on the sides.

The reason I chose this article was because I've always been interested in museums and things dealing with history, so this article caught my eye. This article was mainly about Rice University tearing down this Martel Center. The University states that "It was never intended to be a permanent building on the campus, and the cost to restore the structure for any possible use, and maintain it, is prohibitive." I found it interesting that a University of all places would tear down something so historical. I understand it's not something extremely important and it probably doesn't pertain to anything significant in history, but nonetheless, it's still history.


This is how symmetrical my roommate is :P

My Portraits

Friday, February 21, 2014


This is by Cecil Beaton. I chose this picture mainly because it is black and white. I like the contours of her face against the background. 

This is by Nick Suarez. I chose this picture because I like the lines that her hair makes. 

This is by James (no last name was given). I chose this picture because I love the lines of her body and the way her neck looks.

This is by Asif Aleem. I chose this picture because it is very intriguing. He used useless junk to make a portrait of Nicholas Cage.

 This is by Bryan Adams. I chose this picture because I really like the reflection aspect of it. It seems to give the picture a deeper meaning. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


1. Name and your URL address for your class blog.
A Day in the Life of Sarah.
2. What’s your major? What year will you graduate? 
Nursing. 2017.
3. Why did you choose a photography class (or photography as a major), and what do you hope to learn from school in general and this class specifically? 
I chose photography, because I've always loved taking pictures and editing them. I hope to learn how to take better pictures and learn better editing skills. As for school in general, I hope to learn everything I need to be a good and successful nurse. 
4. What are your goals after graduation? Please list your goals in reverse order, starting five years out, then three, two, one, and six months. 
In five years, I hope to be working as an RN in a hospital either in Texas or New Mexico. 
In three years, I hope to be a senior in college and graduating soon.
In two years, I hope to be a junior in college and starting an externship program.
In one year, I hope to be a sophomore in college, moved into an apartment with my roommate or boyfriend, working as a tech or just have my foot in the door for some sort of medical job.
In six months, I'll hope to have finished my first year of college, have a summer job alongside a pediatrician or PCP, and preparing myself to start my sophomore year in the fall. 
5. What artists, musicians, photographers, writers, movies, books have influenced you/your work? 
I don't know about anything influencing my work, but music does influence and inspire me. I love just music in general, I can't really pick any specific artists or musicians.
6. Where do you get information about current national and international events? 
The news.
7. Are there any important websites that you are referencing for art/photo competitions and/or information? 
8. What museums and/or galleries have you been to in the past year? 
Dallas Public Library.
9. Have you had any photo projects and/ or training in the past? 
10. What is the value of art for the artist? 
It's personal. It's their feelings on a canvas; it comes from their heart.
11. What is the value of art for the audience? 
It's invaluable because it gives the audience an insight into the artists life and feelings. 
12. Is photography a vocation or an avocation? 
I believe, for me, photography is an avocation, because it really is just a hobby for me, it's something I enjoy doing. 
13. What is your passion? 
I truly believe that God put me on this earth to be a nurse and to help people any way I can. I really enjoy helping people and seeing the smile on their face after I've helped them. I would definitely say that my passion is helping and serving people. 
14.What are you afraid of? What makes you uncomfortable? 
Spiders. Definitely spiders. 
15. Do you have a passport? What traveling have you done or would like to do?
I do not have a passport. I haven't traveled outside of the United States, but I would love to travel to Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
16. Why did you sign up for this class? What do you hope to learn from it?
I signed up for this class to enjoy photography and photo editing. I hope to learn how to take better pictures, be able to express myself through photos, and to develop better photo editing skills.